Sunday, 19 June 2011

Necklaces using texture, paper with resin, stones, enamel, felt and beach pebbles.

Long silver necklace with enamel and beach pebble. This ceramic beach pebble deserved its own long chain to show it off. I made it for the Pittenweem Arts Festival 2009 and plan to do some similar for this year 2011.           £125

I started making silver chain necklaces with semi precious stones, this one is malachite azurite
£145   .  

Other variations on the theme, been making these necklaces for 3/4 years now and still finding ways to experiement and develop them.
Plans are afoot for new versions combining more materials and textures including other semi precious stones, felt, paper,enamel for example.
                                                Silver reversible bead and ring rigid choker.